Jesus said, “come to me, all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest”.

- Matthew 11:28

Remodeling your life is doing just that!

As you learn who you are, because of what Jesus did, everything changes…

HOPE Rises
LIVING Life to the full!

13 years of Chronic Pain lead me to seek care from doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and massage therapists. They suggested pain meds, elimination diets, painful steroid injections, etc. Some of the interventions relieved the pain, but only temporarily, leaving me even more FRUSTRATED.

As a Christian, I prayed for answers. Finally, one came - it had to do with understanding how God had designed the brain and body to work together, and that is when MY LIFE GOT REMODELED from the inside out!

  • This is and I am the remodeling wife (literally, check out the About Me page ). Let’s work together to see what God has to say in His word, and let’s see how I can help you in your own life remodeling project.



    Are you believing what God says about you? Our core beliefs dictate our thoughts, our emotions, and our physiology. That means that aligning with the Word of God can change the way your body functions.

  • NeuroScience EDUCATION

    Neural circuits in the brain are learned patterns that control all systems of the body. Understanding how to change these neural circuits means you can experience life without chronic symptoms.

  • Work Crew & TOOLS

    Recovery stories abound from Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Physical Therapists, Teachers, Remodelers and moms, like me. Let the stories inspire you and learn how to use the same tools to recover too!


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